Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Although the answer may feel obvious, the question feels personal, doesn't it?

I am pretty solidly in the introvert camp.  That is not to say, I can’t speak to a large audience, socialize at a cocktail party, or lead a meeting.  Sure, I have the capability to behave extrovertedly when necessary, but at my core, I get more energy from quiet activities than crowds.

I just finished the book Quiet, by Susan Cain (selected by our book club - which, perhaps not surprisingly, includes a number of introverts).  If you are predominantly an introvert, or if you have children who are introverts, you will probably appreciate this book.  It sings the praises of introverts as well as pointing out some areas where we may struggle. 

According to Cain (and the researchers and philosophers that she sites):

Extroverts – tend to gain energy external stimulation and recharge by being with a group of people.

Introverts – tend to gain energy from activities of the mind and recharge with alone time and quiet.  (Note: introversion does not necessarily equate to shyness.)  Introverts also tend to:

    • be able to delay gratification,
    • function well without sleep,
    • prepare more than others,
    • persevere through difficulty,
    • learn from mistakes,
    • ask what if …,
    • remain relatively immune to the lures of wealth and fame,
    • listen more than talk, and
    • express themselves better in writing than with public speaking.

Western culture, particularly the United States prizes extroverts.  This sometimes results in undervaluing introverts.  Cain details how American culture evolved, starting in the 1920’s, from valuing “character” to valuing “personality.” (Mental flash to today's political scene.)

“So, what does this have to do with me?” you ask.  Well, if you are the poetic type, you may be interested to know that Cain also says that a significant percentage artists (including poets) are introverts.  They do their best work independently when they have time to contemplate and create.  Perhaps you would be surprised to know that Cain quotes Theodore Geisel as saying, “In mass, [children] terrify me.”

Societal trends toward promoting extroverts to positions of corporate leadership, focusing heavily on group projects in schools, and valuing personality over character can create challenges for the introvert (and potentially society).  Cain also discusses helpful strategies for introverts and parents of children who are introverts.  

Cain explores many nuances, so you may enjoy sitting down with a copy of Quiet.



Dreamers and thinkers
won’t yell it –
may not even
tell it

They may ...
stitch love into a quilt,
splash anguish onto canvas,
bake caring into cookies,
express curiosity through an equation,
sketch suspicion in a notebook,
pour passion into a poem.

It’s all there.
You just have to wade
through the
to find it.

© Tracey Kiff-Judson, Draft 2024

Please visit the lovely Rose Cappelli at Imagine the Possibilities to learn what she names her birdie visitors and for this week's Poetry Friday roundup!


  • I love this, Tracey--I read Susan Cain's Bittersweet and gained new appreciation for that aspect of myself. I'm a hard-core introvert. I can speak in public, lead groups, etc., but it all takes its toll. I need quiet and solitude on a regular basis. This isn't quite the same thing, I know, but when I taught at a Young Authors Conference last week, I told each class, "Normally we'd do an ice-breaker now, but I hate those. Instead, we're going to focus on being a creative community, writing alone together. We'll be incredibly supportive of those who choose to share their ideas and words. But I'm not going to ask you to find a stranger and tell them what animal you're most afraid of..." or whatever. I know the anxiety that produces in ME in certain situations, I love the emotions and verbs in your poem!
    • I have to check out Bittersweet!  I too hate ice-breakers!  It is so thoughtful of you to take a gentler approach for those peeps in the crowd who don't enjoy that kind of activity.  I love how you went about it!
  • YES YES YES. I read Cain's book some years ago and felt heard and understood for once. I'm definitely an introvert and love all the points you shared in this post. Your poem is a gem -- lots of truth there. You do pour passion (and humor) into your poems, which is why I look forward to your posts every week. Somewhat surprised to hear you're an introvert too . . . but I really shouldn't be. As you mentioned, introverts can be extroverted when it's called for in certain situations. Back to baking cookies . . . :)
    • That is so sweet, Jama!  Thank you.  I am glad to hear that you are a fellow introvert!  I love all of the passion that you pour into your writing AND your baked goods! : )

      Edited on Saturday, 23 March 2024 12:05 by Tracey.
  • This book sounds fascinating, Tracey. I need to check it out to see if it can help me with some personal struggles. For example, I fill my well, so to speak, with alone time, but feel a deep sense of loneliness/isolation while living abroad because of language/cultural barriers. Maybe not having the option to socialize causes the "well-filling" to feel like drowning. Thought provoking post. I love your rainbow words as the throughline in your poem. :)
    • Bridget, I get exactly what you are saying.  Too much alone time can be a drain as well. During the pandemic, I started to feel really isolated.  I agree, it is the lack of alternatives to alone time that make it overwhelming.  Compound that with language and cultural barriers, and I think anyone would feel drained.  If you ever feel bored and just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!

      Edited on Saturday, 23 March 2024 12:05 by Tracey.
  • Perfect. Wade through the quiet. Love this stanza!
    They may ...stitch love into a quilt,splash anguish onto canvas,bake caring into cookies,express curiosity through an equation,sketch suspicion in a notebook,pour passion into a poem.
  • Tracey, thanks for sharing about Quiet. I just checked it out on my Libby app because it's the second time I've heard it mentioned lately. I love your poem, especially the "They may..." stanza with the vibrant verbs and colorful nouns.
  • Tracey, the care you took in weaving your poem makes the poem a delight to read. I pondered your words as you wrote them down. While being an extrovert, I truly appreciate those that honor quiet and alone time.
    • Thank you for your comments, Carol!  I want extroverts to feel the love too!  I have many good friends who are extroverts, and I am grateful for their many positive attributes as well.  I would have guessed from your smiling (and slightly mischievous) picture that you were an extrovert!  I bet you are a lot of fun to hang out with! ; )
  • I am definitely an introvert and rather express myself in writing or in things I make. I'd love to read this book and pass it on to my husband and son who are more introverted than I am! I'm always wading through the quiet. 

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